Salary benchmark

How much is a competitive salary these days?
The Hays Salary Benchmark is a labour market report on current wage data for your industry, based on reliable market data to give you immediate and specialised guidance.
We offer three different options to choose from:
1. General Market Research
Our most comprehensive, sector-independent analysis which includes the following data:
Our most comprehensive, sector-independent analysis which includes the following data:
- Salary range (minimum, average, maximum) – market average
- Commission system’s range
- Other compensation elements (company car, cafeteria, insurance, etc.)
2. Narrowed Salary Benchmark
Detailed salary benchmark, in which data is filtered by location, sector, company size (FTE or revenue) or company background (Hungarian or multinational). It includes:
Detailed salary benchmark, in which data is filtered by location, sector, company size (FTE or revenue) or company background (Hungarian or multinational). It includes:
- 6-15 relevant candidates’ compensation package based on our database and direct search
- Commission system’s range
- Other compensation elements (company car, cafeteria, insurance, etc.)
3. Targeted Salary Benchmark with direct search
Detailed salary benchmark by direct search, which includes the following:
Detailed salary benchmark by direct search, which includes the following:
- 2-3 relevant candidates’ compensation package / company based on direct search
- Commission system’s range
- Other compensation elements (company car, cafeteria, insurance, etc.)
The process of Salary Benchmarking
1. Define and understand the target group
Before we start mapping the relevant market, our consultants will make every effort to properly assess your needs during the project in order to have a tailor-made salary benchmarking.
Before we start mapping the relevant market, our consultants will make every effort to properly assess your needs during the project in order to have a tailor-made salary benchmarking.
2. Market research and finding relevant candidates
During the project, we will use the following resources to find the relevant candidates in order to help you evolve the right pay structure:
During the project, we will use the following resources to find the relevant candidates in order to help you evolve the right pay structure:
- Our completed recruitment processes
- Salaries offered by our clients to candidates
- Current salaries of candidates involved in recruitment processes
- Market knowledge gained by our consultants specializing in a specific area and market sector
- External databases
- Direct inquiry in some cases
3. Market research
After the successful determination of the relevant target group, we will contact the potentially available candidates. Our goal is to gather information from employees working in the specified positions to find out more about their benefit packages.
After the successful determination of the relevant target group, we will contact the potentially available candidates. Our goal is to gather information from employees working in the specified positions to find out more about their benefit packages.
4. Preparing the salary benchmark
After the market research, we prepare a detailed report containing the salary benchmark which provides a comprehensive overview of the specific labour market and the elements of its current compensation package.
If necessary, our consultant will stay in contact with you to find the right candidate within a specific agreement.
For more information or a personalized offer, contact us!
Contact us!
Ferenc Erős
HR Consultancy Manager M: +36 70 380 2101
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